Rumour or fact? Refrigerated trucks used to transport the remains of dead Covid-19 patients were used to transport seafood and meat to China…


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Europe and the United States use refrigerated trucks to transport the remains of patients with coronavirus, and then use this batch of refrigerated trucks to export seafood and beef. This batch of seafood and meat is exported to the Chinese seafood market, making the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic spread again in China. Defenses can not do without)

Meat factories in the United States, Europe and Brazil have resumed work earlier, and many workers believe that they are infected with the virus and do not know it. If they continue to rework, it is easy to infect the food and export the virus to other countries. The cases in Hong Kong and Beijing have no records of outbound travel, but they are all employees who handle meat. The transmission is likely to come from meat and its packaging, because low temperature cannot kill the virus.

The meat trucks in the United States have been requisitioned to store the dead bodies of Covid 19 because of their freezing facilities. It is recommended that you do not buy frozen meat from the United States for the time being. If you buy it, wash the packaging materials with liquid soap first. The food must be cooked thoroughly before eating. 😠😠






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