Witnesses wanted: Did you see who knocked down Yeow Wei Loon (JJK 7967) in Singapore on 24 June 2015 at 2.30-2.45 am?

Call +60197104943 or report it to the Singapore Police.


Family of Malaysian biker who died in hit-and-run in Woodlands appeals to witnesses to come forward

Posted on 29 June 2015

The family of a Malaysian biker who died in a hit-and-run accident that occurred in a junction between Woodlands Avenue 3 and 5 are appealing for witnesses to come forward.

The accident occurred on Wed (Jun 24), between 2.30am to 2.45am, when a Malaysia-registered motorcycle (JJK 7967) was knocked down by a car.


za zb

6 月24号,凌晨2.30am 至 2.45am在Woodlands Ave 3 & 5处发生了一起电单车夺命意外(撞后逃)。一辆来自马来西亚的电单车,车牌号码 JJK 7967,怀疑遭汽车撞上,导致该电单车骑士头部重创身亡。最不可原谅的就是该汽车司机并没有协助受害者,没有呼叫救护车。反而,丢下受害者不理,在没有 任何协助的情况下,导致他白白丧命。

该名电单车骑士姓名为Yeow Wei Loon,男性 (脸书账号: WL Yeow)。他生前是家里的经济支柱,拥有一名妻子,育有三名幼小儿女。他的家人如今在一夜之间失去了一名好丈夫,一名尽责任的爸爸。他不单单是家里的重 要经济来源,也扮演着他妻子儿女的精神支柱。就因为那名无良的司机,鲁莽的驾驶行为,导致一个美好的家庭破碎了。



On 24 Jun 2015 at between 2.30am – 2.45am, there was a fatal accident occurred at Woodlands Ave 3 & 5. A Malaysia-registered motorcycle – JJK 7967 got hit by a Car. The intolerable thing is that the Car driver ran away after clashed into the motorcycle and left the motorcyclist unattended to death.

The victim (motorcyclist) named Yeow Wei Loon (FB Acc: WL Yeow) was the only breadwinner in the family, consisting of his wife and 3 little kids. His family suddenly lost their beloved Dad/Husband just like that. He used to be the main support mentally, physically and financially in the family and now, because of someone’s recklessness, this great man had gone.

So, here we need your utmost assistance that, if you/someone you know was/might be around that area at that point of time, please do CONTACT +60197104943 / PM us/ REPORT to Singapore Police.
At the same time, we also need your selfless generosity to SHARE this post and to SPREAD this news around.
At this point of time, every little information about this incident counts. Appreciate every assistance you extend.
We would like to gather as much information as possible to return the victim a justice.

Yeow’s Family

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1 Response to Witnesses wanted: Did you see who knocked down Yeow Wei Loon (JJK 7967) in Singapore on 24 June 2015 at 2.30-2.45 am?

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