Tag Archives: AstraZeneca blood clots

Putting blood clots in perspective: 30 out of 18 million in the UK had blood clots after taking the AstraZeneca vaccine; 7 died…

.. 1 in 1,000 per year of population gets blood clots. It’s still unclear if there is a causal link. Covid19: Seven UK blood clot deaths after vaccinations w/ AstraZeneca vaccine. In total, 30 people out of 18 million vaccinated … Continue reading

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Unpublished research shows that the AstraZeneca vaccine can cause blood clots in a very rare few people but a common medication will fix that…

.. Watch out for continuous headaches, dizziness and impaired vision over 3 days! Researchers show how the #AstraZeneca #coronavirus vaccine causes rare #thrombosis in the brain in a small number of patients. The discovery means that targeted treatment can be … Continue reading

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