“No! No! No!” to MCA vice president Dr. Ng Yen Yen at Jonker Walk, Malacca




Free Malaysia Today

“Any travel advisory must be issued by the relevant parties. Any comment on the status of safety and security of the tourists should come from the police and IGP instead of the Tourism Ministry as they are in a better position to comment on this,” the DAP Youth chief said.

Tourism minister under fire for her ‘travel advisory’

Priscilla Prasena | March 6, 2013

Tourism Minister Ng Yen Yen’s remark that it is safe for tourists to visit Sabah is being questioned by Pakatan MPs.

PETALING JAYA: It is not the duty of the Tourism Minister to assure the safety of tourists, but the police and relevant authorities, two opposition members of parliament charged today.

Rasah MP and state assemblyman for Lobak, Anthony Loke said Tourism Minister Ng Yen Yen should not be issuing statements that Sabah was safe for tourists as the advisory can only be issued by the police or the military, who had a better take on the issue at hand.

He said this while commenting on Ng’s statement yesterday that Sabah was safe for tourists and that the state was not effected by the Lahd Datu incident.

Tourism minister under fire for her ‘travel advisory’




Yen Yen won’t take Chinese film director to Penang
4:09PM Mar 4, 2013

Tourism Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen has declined to bring a well-known film director from China, Zhang Yimou, to Penang for cultural performance after what happened during South Korean superstar Psy’s visit last month.

“We thought Penangites would be happy by bringing Psy to Penang, but it turned out to be like that (negative feedback),” Ng is quoted as saying in Chinese daily Kwong Wah Yit Poh.

Despite repeated explanations that Psy’s performance in Penang was sponsored by someone, she said, the people still refused to accept it.

Therefore, she would not arrange Zhang to perform in Penang.

Yen Yen won’t take Chinese film director to Penang


Yen Yen caught in ‘Yes-No battle’ in Malacca(with English subtitles)



Ng Yen Yen fiasco shows BN’s distance from rakyat

The Malacca incident appears to suggest that Ng Yen Yen is a tourist in her own country. It is one thing to not be able to attract crowds of listeners, another to not understand the sentiments at the grassroots level.

Herein lies the problem of most members of the ruling coalition: despite pledging, on numerous occasions, to hear the people out, they have adopted a most patronising and condescending stance when dealing with questions from the rakyat.

This has caused a visible disconnection from common folks, all the way down from the prime minister’s office.

After more than five decades of independence, Malaysians yearned to be treated as equal partners, to be heard not as squabbling children, but mature participants in a civilised and democratic society, only to be disappointed time after time.

We have been listening a lot. Now we want to be listened to.

Ng Yen Yen fiasco shows BN’s distance from rakyat


When told that the video clip of the incident did not support her estimate, Ng argued that the clip only recorded the voices from a section of the crowd.


Showers of ‘No’ have no effect on Yen Yen

Tourism Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen said that her feelings were not hurt by jeers received when speaking during a Chap Goh Meh event in Malacca on Sunday.

“No, I’m not hurt. You (the media) are making a mountain out of a small hill,” she said when met at a function in Petaling Jaya today.

ng yen yen 270213 03She said that out of the 10,000-strong audience, only a handful of people had shouted “No” when she was trying to elicit a “Yes”.

“There were 10,000 people. If, only 10 said ‘No’, what is there to worry?” she said.

Showers of ‘No’ have no effect on Yen Yen



Yen Yen: ‘Yes’ was louder than ‘no’

1:21PM Feb 27, 2013

Tourism Minister Ng Yen Yen has insisted that the shouting of “yes” from the crowd was louder than “no” during a recent Chinese New Year event in Malacca where she had given a speech, despite video evidence circulating the Internet that shows the contrary.

According to a Sin Chew Daily report published today, Ng said she was happy that she had made her speech during the Chap Goh Meh celebration on Sunday night – which was held at Jonker Street – as most of the Chinese-majority crowd had been shouting “yes”.

“I can’t make everyone to shout ‘yes’, but those who were there know that ‘yes’ had been louder than ‘no’,” she was quoted as saying.

During the public event, Ng urged the crowd to respond by shouting “yes” after she announced that the BN government would organise a bigger celebration should it win in the coming general election.

However, the crowd had humiliated Ng by shouting “No!” three times.

After several attempts to persuade the crowd to say “yes”, Ng finally gave up.

News of the event has become a laughing stock of netizens following the premier Najib Abdul Razak’s question on “are you ready for BN” and Korean superstar Psy’s subsequent absence in the yee sang toss.

In response to criticism on the Internet, Ng said that she was “terribly disappointed” and tired of the social media’s malicious and vulgar comments.

She added that the social media is full of lies and vituperation, and ignores the truth.

Yen Yen: ‘Yes’ was louder than ‘no’


Are you ready for BN? The doctored ‘YES’?


“No! No! No!” to MCA vice president Dr. Ng Yen Yen


Free Malaysia Today

DAP upbeat over another ‘No to BN’ incident

Leven Woon | February 26, 2013

Based on the cold response received by MCA’s Dr Ng Yen Yen, Malacca DAP is hoping to deny BN a two-third majority in the state.

PETALING JAYA: The large crowd which gathered at the Malacca-level Chap Goh Meh celebrations repeatedly shouted “No!” when asked to vote for Barisan Nasional in the coming election, much to the delight of DAP.

The opposition party told FMT that the strong anti-establishment mood was an indication that Pakatan Rakyat could win more seats to deny BN’s two-third majority in the Malacca state assembly.

However, MCA begged to differ.

DAP upbeat over another ‘No to BN’ incide…


Published on Feb 25, 2013

YB Dato’ Sri Dr. Ng Yen Yen greets the people in Melaka in conjunction with the Chap Goh Mei celebration at the Jonker Street. The CNY greeting soon turns into a “political speech” and the people in Melaka really “voice out” their thoughts when battle of “Yes and No!” exploded between the minister and the crowd in Melaka.
“Malaysia’s direction is in the hands of the people. We are confident with the people of Melaka as you (the rakyat) know who works for the people.”
The MCA vice president also compared the banned celebration of Valentine’s Day and lotteries under the PAS rule, calling on the crowd to appreciate the developments brought by Malacca Chief Minister Mohd Ali Rustam She has asked the crowd to agree with her by saying “yes” and that the BN government would organise a bigger Chap Goh Meh celebration if it won the coming general election,
Even when she urges the Chinese lion dance crew hit the drums, the Chinese-majority crowd only responded with a clear shout of “No! No! No!” Once again the party was humiliated, this time in front crowd comprising of people of all ages, both local and foreign.



Yen Yen caught in ‘Yes-No battle’ in Malacca
4:59PM Feb 25, 2013

After Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, Tourism Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen has engaged in a ‘Yes-No’ battle with a stubborn crowd in Malacca that was determined to humiliate the minister with repeated shouts of “No! No! No!”

According to Nanyang Siang Pau, the battle of words exploded as Ng (left) was giving a speech during a Chap Goh Meh public celebration on the heritage Jonker Street in the city last night.

She said the BN government would organise a bigger Chap Goh Meh celebration if it won the coming general election, and asked the crowd to concur with her by saying “yes”.

However, the Chinese-majority crowd responded with a clear shout of “No! No! No!”

Unperturbed, the MCA vice-president tried to convince them.

“You have to wake up. The facts are there. You have to say ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’,” Ng said, but her call was met with louder shouts of “No! No! No!”

The minister did not give up.

Yen Yen caught in ‘Yes-No battle’ in Malacca


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2 Responses to “No! No! No!” to MCA vice president Dr. Ng Yen Yen at Jonker Walk, Malacca

  1. Pingback: Are you ready for BN? The doctored ‘YES’? | weehingthong

  2. Pingback: Yen Yen is Chairman of The Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board. | weehingthong

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