



10 December 2017

Entah nak cakap apa….



14 August 2016

‘Those loyal to Umno kiss my hand, those against Umno, spurn it’

Zikri Kamarulzaman     Published 14 Aug 2016, 3:51 pm


Umno president Najib Abdul Razak today told a tale of two handshakes, one of loyalty and one of animosity.

The first handshake he said, happened when he arrived at today’s Kota Tinggi Umno division assembly in Johor.

“A Wanita delegate held my hand, and kissed it not once, but twice,” he said to cheers from the over 1,000 delegates present.

“I’m sure my wife won’t be jealous, because this is a manifestation from your hearts, that all of you not only support me personally, but also as the president, and are loyal to Umno,” he added.

In contrast, he said a handshake he offered to end party infighting, was spurned at last year’s Umno annual general assembly.

“I stretched my hand in peace and unity, but unfortunately my handshake was not accepted.

“Thus it led to the incident where former leaders chose a different path… This path is against what Umno stands for,” he said.

This was a reference to the incident last year when Najib offered to make peace with his then Umno deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin.

Muhyiddin did return the handshake at the assembly, but has since gone on to form a new movement, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) with Najib’s nemesis, Dr Mahathir Mohamad.


31 July 2016

Bapak sape la niiiii…. Beria benir cium tangan Semah.


Ibrahim Ali mencium tangan Rosmah Mansur.




Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim has been chosen to be the new Chairman of Tabung Haji.


New Tabung Haji Head: Is he Rosmah’s choice?

Don’t ever do this!

It’s really crude! Some people say that it’s NOT Malaysian.

Neither is this Malaysian.


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